Friday, August 31, 2012

More ships

So after getting a bunch of good and neutral ships completed and/or started i realized i was completely forgetting my evil forces and that they needed to be included on the high seas adventures so we had someone to fight. And so i began making some forces of evil ships. I started out with uruk-hai

 These are the mid sized Uruk-hai ships that i have made.  They are about 18" from the end to the tip of the ramming spike. in the picture they are loaded with about 20 uruk soldiers each. 

Here is the Uruk flagship, it is dual masted and has a large rear cabin. it is not quite complete. from the rear to the tip of the ramming spike is about 30". in the oictures it is loaded with about 50 uruk-hai. 

 I also made and painted the banners on the rear and front of the ship. 

More post soon to follow with pictures of the other fleets i am making. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Warhammer Campaign Ships

So i realize it has been a long time since i blogged, but i have been up to a lot. finally got my camera back. Again.

My most recent project has been to make some Ships for out LOTR/Warhammer battles. We have a long extensive campaign going and have moved out to sea. And my dwarves and humans could not be left behind when the battles went to the great blue, so I decided i needed to make ships. I thought about it for a long time, and then while playing Assassin's Creed II (awesome game) and in game in the city of Venice, I was fulfilling an assassination contract on a ship in the harbor, and i saw the ships and had a great inspiration to base my ships for warhammer off of. 

So after several hours of planning then several more getting what i needed i started. my first ship was quite small

But i am very happy whit the design and plan to make many more of this size and general shape and design. The hull is made of cardboard and held together by screws. the mast and rigging is a cut up tent pole, Knex rods, and an old t shirt. This design has a small "cabin" and would hold about 10 figures for a fight, but realistically only about four for a journey. the ship is about seven inches long from butt to end of the deck (not counting ramming spike)

My next design was a bit larger. It came to about 11 inches not counting rudder and bowsprit. 

on this ship it is constructed of the same materials plus, a larger variety of Knex pieces, and some twine, a button, and super glue. It has a running line, crows nest,  and a fully functioning sail hoist.

the hoist is made of various Knex pieces and held on by glue, it has a locking mechanism to hold the sail where you raised or lowered it to. The designing and prototyping of the sail hoist mechanism took over an hour, and over a dozen failed designs.but in the end it works and looks good. I also like this design and will probably make several more, though construction time will be greatly reduced.  

After finishing this one i decided my little fleet would need a flagship. And so i made one. it is about 7.5 inches wide and over 20 inches long on the first deck, the second deck is over 26" long and same width. it will have a bowsprit, a fore mast and main mast, I plan to add another sail hoist.  notices the size of the LOTR figure on the deck

The blue line is showing where the two decks are, top above and lower below. the lover deck is mostly for looks and the only way to access it is through an open spot i left at the butt so i could put figures and supplies inside. 

and now a pitures of all completed or WIP ships!

After i finish with the largest one i plant to make more of the smaller two models and to make a couple rowboats for the larger, all ships will be painted to disguise the cardboard and various materials.